Response to Stephen King’s “On Writing”

When King is saying that fear is the root of all bad writing, he refers when a writer doesn’t have a full grasp on what they are going to be talking about and how to write it.  I have this problem all of the time.  I almost never know what to write or how to do it.  The writer doesn’t want to look bad in front of their readers; who wants to look bad in front of anyone?

Fear has always been in the way of my best writing.  I want it to be prefect.  I cannot have a perfect paper or blog post. I have trouble choosing the right words or putting words in the correct order.  I fear writing because of what it is.  I suck at it.  I have never been able to do it well or with any ease. However, I have been able to deal with this fear some, but I will always have it with me.

Writers are afraid of poorly chosen words, people not liking what they said, or anything else.  No one wants to look bad.  Fear has been and always will be a part of writing.  One indication of a good writer is whether or not they can deal with this fear.